Many of us have looked to the web for information on Blount Family history and genealogy. The following information and links are a collection of what we have found and what others have sent us after visiting our web site. If you know of any other Blount Family genealogy and history, comment here!

Blount Family Trivia

  • The name Blount (Blunt) is of French origin. Refers to fair hair or complexion.
  • Some people have traced the Blount ancestry back to Charlemagne.
  • In the 11th century The Count of Guinis from France had two sons. According to reports, both sons came to England with William The Conqueror. The sons were Sir Robert Blount and Sir William Le Blount.
  • In 1635, a William Blount settled at Andover, Massachusetts.
  • On Oct. 2, 1679, George Blunt left England bound for New York, on the ship Lixboa Merchitt, commanded by Roger Whitfield.
  • In 1681, a Samuel Blount settled at Charlestown, Mass.

Important Blounts in History

William Blount:

  • Entry in Wikipedia
  • The Blount Mansion (The Blount Mansion in Tennessee)
    The Blount Mansion Visitors’ Center has some good materials, including the William Blount genealogical chart going back to 935 AD. It is quite complete and assumed very accurate (cost is $2). The telephone number is (423) 525-2375. They also sell a short cassette tape showing the mansion and giving a short history of William Blount’s role in government (approx. $10).

Captain Samuel Blount:

Andrew Blount:

More Information

Blount Family Geneaology

One thought on “Blount Family Geneaology

  • February 27, 2011 at 6:05 am

    You might find the Blount family cemetery of interest. 43 family members are buried there in Washington County, Missouri. You can see pictures of it and a list of all of the family members interred there by visiting Find-A-Grave.Com. Type “Blount” into the “Search Cemetery” tab. You can also see pictures of some of the headstones. friend of mine is related to Robert & Edna Sitton Blount who are buried there.

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